Project Management Styles

6 Project Management Styles

What is Project management & their key aspect?

Project management is the practice of planning, organising, and executing projects to achieve specific goals and objectives within defined constraints, such as time, budget, and resources. It involves the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to manage project activities and stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle.

Here are some key aspects of project management:

  • Project Initiation: This involves defining the project’s objectives, scope, stakeholders, and deliverables. It includes conducting feasibility studies, identifying project requirements, and obtaining initial approvals.
  • Project Planning: Planning encompasses creating a comprehensive project plan that outlines the project’s tasks, schedule, budget, resources, risks, and quality requirements. It involves defining project milestones, work breakdown structure, and developing a communication and stakeholder management plan.
  • Project Execution: Execution involves the actual implementation of the project plan. It includes coordinating and managing project resources, monitoring progress, and ensuring that tasks are completed as scheduled. Effective communication and team collaboration are crucial during this phase.
  • Project Monitoring and Control: This involves tracking project progress, comparing it against the plan, and taking corrective actions as necessary. Project managers monitor key performance indicators, manage risks and issues, and make adjustments to keep the project on track.
  • Risk Management: Risk management is an integral part of project management. It involves identifying potential risks, assessing their impact and probability, and developing strategies to mitigate or respond to them. Regular risk assessments and contingency planning help minimise the negative impact of uncertainties on the project.
  • Stakeholder Management: Successful project management requires effective communication and collaboration with stakeholders. Stakeholder management involves identifying project stakeholders, understanding their needs and expectations, and engaging them throughout the project. It helps ensure their involvement, support, and satisfaction.
  • Project Closure: The closure phase involves wrapping up the project activities, documenting lessons learned, and conducting a project review or post-mortem. It includes obtaining final approvals, transitioning deliverables to the operational environment, and celebrating project successes.

Project management methodologies, such as Waterfall, Agile, and Scrum, provide frameworks and guidelines for managing projects effectively. However, project management principles and practices can be adapted to suit the unique requirements of each project. The ultimate goal of project management is to deliver projects successfully, meeting the defined objectives while balancing constraints and stakeholder expectations.

Here is the 5 Project Management Styles;

1.  Waterfall:

Waterfall project management is a traditional and linear approach to managing projects. It follows a sequential flow where each phase of the project is completed before moving on to the next. The name “waterfall” reflects the idea that progress flows steadily downward through the different project phases, similar to a waterfall cascading downward.

Here are the key characteristics and phases of the waterfall project management approach:

  • Requirements Gathering: In this phase, project requirements are identified and documented. This involves understanding the project scope, objectives, deliverables, and stakeholder expectations.
  • Design: Once the requirements are gathered, the project team proceeds with designing the project solution or system. This phase involves creating detailed specifications, architectural designs, and any necessary technical documentation.
  • Development: The development phase focuses on implementing the design and building the project deliverables. It includes coding, programming, configuring software or hardware, and performing necessary testing to ensure compliance with the requirements.
  • Testing: Once the development is complete, the project moves into the testing phase. Testing involves verifying that the deliverables meet the specified requirements and perform as intended. It includes various types of testing, such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing.
  • Deployment: After successful testing, the project is deployed or released to the end users or operational environment. This phase involves installing or implementing the project deliverables, training users, and transitioning from development to the production environment.
  • Operations and Maintenance: Once the project is deployed, it enters the operations and maintenance phase. This involves managing and maintaining the project deliverables, addressing user support requests, and performing ongoing maintenance activities such as bug fixes, updates, and upgrades.

The waterfall approach assumes that the project requirements are well-defined and stable from the beginning. It relies on a clear project plan and a strict adherence to the predefined sequence of phases. Changes or modifications to requirements are generally discouraged once the project is underway, as they can disrupt the linear flow of the project.

While the waterfall approach provides a structured and systematic way of managing projects, it may have limitations when dealing with complex or dynamic projects. Changes in requirements, unforeseen issues, or evolving stakeholder needs can pose challenges in the waterfall model. In response to these limitations, Agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban, have gained popularity as more flexible and iterative alternatives to the waterfall approach.

2. Agile:

Agile project management is an iterative and flexible approach to managing projects, which emphasises adaptability, collaboration, and delivering value in incremental stages. Agile methodologies promote frequent feedback, continuous improvement, and close customer involvement throughout the project lifecycle. Here are some of the popular Agile project management styles:

  • Scrum: Scrum is one of the most widely used Agile methodologies. It involves breaking the project into short iterations called “sprints” typically lasting 1-4 weeks. During each sprint, a cross-functional team collaborates to deliver a potentially shippable product increment. Daily stand-up meetings, backlog prioritisation, and sprint reviews and retrospectives are core components of Scrum.
  • Kanban: Kanban is a visual Agile methodology that focuses on continuous flow and limiting work in progress (WIP). Work items are represented as cards on a Kanban board, and team members move the cards through various stages of completion. Kanban provides real-time visibility into the status of work and enables teams to optimise their workflow.
  • Lean: Lean project management aims to eliminate waste and optimise value delivery. It borrows principles from Lean manufacturing, such as reducing unnecessary steps, streamlining processes, and improving efficiency. Lean emphasises continuous improvement, value stream mapping, and value-based prioritisation.
  • Extreme Programming (XP): XP is an Agile methodology that emphasises close collaboration between developers, customers, and stakeholders. It focuses on practices like continuous integration, test-driven development (TDD), pair programming, and frequent releases. XP promotes high-quality code, responsiveness to changing requirements, and regular feedback loops.
  • Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM): DSDM is an Agile framework that provides a disciplined approach to project management. It emphasises active user involvement, frequent delivery of working software, and the importance of business value. DSDM promotes iterative development, timeboxing, and prioritising requirements based on business needs.
  • Feature-Driven Development (FDD): FDD is an Agile methodology that focuses on feature delivery. It involves creating a high-level plan, breaking it down into smaller feature sets, and organising development around these features. FDD emphasises regular progress reporting, domain object modelling, and feature inspection and acceptance.
  • Crystal: Crystal is an Agile family of methodologies that adapts to the unique characteristics of each project. It provides a set of principles and practices that can be tailored to the project’s size, criticality, and team dynamics. Crystal emphasises communication, frequent delivery, and team collaboration.

Agile methodologies offer flexibility, faster time-to-market, and the ability to respond to changing requirements. However, the choice of Agile methodology depends on project complexity, team size, and organisational culture. Project managers often customise Agile practices to fit their specific project needs, combining elements from different methodologies to create a hybrid approach.

3. Six Sigma:

Six Sigma is a data-driven project management style that focuses on improving process efficiency, reducing defects, and minimising variations in outcomes. It originated in the manufacturing industry but has since been applied to various sectors, including services and software development. The goal of Six Sigma is to achieve a high level of quality and performance by identifying and eliminating process defects. Here are key components of Six Sigma project management:

  • Define: The Define phase involves clearly defining the project goals and objectives. This includes identifying customer requirements, project scope, and deliverables. A project charter is created to document the project’s purpose, stakeholders, and high-level plan.
  • Measure: In the Measure phase, the project team identifies key metrics and collects data to measure the current performance of the process under investigation. This includes defining critical-to-quality (CTQ) parameters and establishing a baseline for measuring improvement.
  • Analyse: In the Analyze phase, the project team analyses the collected data to identify the root causes of defects or variations in the process. Tools such as process mapping, cause-and-effect diagrams, and statistical analysis are used to gain insights into process inefficiencies.
  • Improve: The Improve phase focuses on implementing process improvements based on the analysis conducted in the previous phase. This involves generating and evaluating potential solutions, piloting and testing them, and implementing the most effective ones. The goal is to optimise the process and achieve the desired performance levels.
  • Control: The Control phase aims to ensure the sustained improvement of the process. It involves establishing control mechanisms to monitor and maintain the improved process performance. Statistical process control (SPC) techniques, control charts, and other tools are used to track ongoing process performance and detect any deviations or anomalies.

Key principles and tools used in Six Sigma project management include:

  • DMAIC: DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) is a structured problem-solving approach widely used in Six Sigma projects. It provides a framework for project teams to follow and ensures a systematic and data-driven approach to process improvement.
  • Statistical Analysis: Six Sigma heavily relies on statistical analysis to identify patterns, trends, and correlations in data. Tools such as hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and design of experiments (DOE) are used to analyse data and make data-driven decisions.
  • Process Mapping: Process mapping techniques, such as value stream mapping and flowcharts, are used to visualise and understand the flow of activities within a process. This helps identify bottlenecks, waste, and areas for improvement.
  • Root Cause Analysis: Six Sigma employs various techniques, such as the 5 Whys and fishbone diagrams (Ishikawa diagrams), to determine the underlying causes of process defects and variations. Identifying root causes enables targeted improvement actions.
  • Quality Tools: Six Sigma utilises quality tools such as Pareto charts, control charts, histograms, and scatter diagrams to visualise and analyse data, monitor process performance, and facilitate decision-making.

Six Sigma projects are typically led by trained professionals known as Six Sigma Black Belts and Green Belts, who are proficient in the Six Sigma methodology and tools. By following the structured approach and leveraging data analysis, Six Sigma aims to achieve process improvements, increase customer satisfaction, and reduce waste and costs.

4. The Critical Path Method (CPM):

CPM is a project management technique used to determine the shortest possible duration of a project by identifying the critical activities or tasks that must be completed in a specific order. CPM helps project managers in scheduling, resource allocation, and managing project timelines effectively. Here’s an overview of the Critical Path Method:

  • Activity Identification: The first step in CPM is identifying all the activities required to complete the project. Each activity should have a specific start and end point and be defined in terms of duration, dependencies, and resources required.
  • Activity Sequencing: Once the activities are identified, their logical relationships or dependencies are determined. Dependencies can be of different types, such as finish-to-start (FS), start-to-start (SS), finish-to-finish (FF), or start-to-finish (SF). This step establishes the order in which activities should be executed.
  • Network Diagram: A network diagram, also known as a precedence diagram or an activity-on-node (AON) diagram, is created to visualise the sequence of activities and their dependencies. The diagram consists of nodes representing activities and arrows showing the dependencies between them.
  • Duration Estimation: The next step is to estimate the duration for each activity. This is typically done based on historical data, expert judgement, or by using techniques such as three-point estimation (optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely estimates) or analogous estimation (using similar past projects as a reference).
  • Critical Path Determination: Once the activity durations are estimated, the critical path is determined. The critical path is the longest sequence of dependent activities that determines the project’s overall duration. It represents the minimum time required to complete the project.
  • Float Calculation: Float, also known as slack, is the amount of time an activity can be delayed without impacting the project’s overall duration. Activities on the critical path have zero float, meaning any delay in their completion will directly affect the project’s timeline. Non-critical activities have float, allowing some flexibility in their scheduling.
  • Schedule Optimization: With the critical path identified, project managers can focus on optimising the schedule by allocating resources efficiently, identifying potential bottlenecks or resource conflicts, and determining the project’s completion date.
  • Project Monitoring and Control: Throughout the project, monitoring the progress of activities on the critical path is crucial. Any delay or change in these critical activities needs to be closely monitored and managed to prevent schedule slippage.

The Critical Path Method provides a systematic approach to project scheduling and helps project managers identify the most critical activities that require careful management. By focusing on the critical path, project managers can allocate resources effectively, monitor progress, and make informed decisions to keep the project on track and ensure timely completion.


PRINCE2 (Projects in Controlled Environments) is a project management methodology widely used in various industries and organisations globally. It provides a structured approach to managing projects, ensuring effective control, governance, and successful project delivery. Here are the key aspects of PRINCE2:

  • Principles: PRINCE2 is based on seven principles that guide project management practices. These principles include continued business justification, learn from experience, defined roles and responsibilities, manage by stages, manage by exception, focus on products, and tailor to suit the project environment.
  • Themes: PRINCE2 defines seven themes that address different aspects of project management. These themes are used to guide decision-making and ensure consistency throughout the project. The themes include business case, organisation, quality, plans, risk, change, and progress.
  • Processes: PRINCE2 outlines a set of processes that provide a step-by-step approach to project management. The processes cover the entire project lifecycle, from project initiation to project closure. The processes include starting up a project, initiating a project, directing a project, controlling a stage, managing product delivery, managing stage boundaries, and closing a project.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: PRINCE2 defines clear roles and responsibilities for project management team members. These roles include the project manager, who is responsible for overall project delivery, and other roles such as the executive, senior user, senior supplier, project board, project assurance, and team manager.
  • Product-Based Planning: PRINCE2 emphasises product-based planning, where the focus is on defining and delivering project outputs or products. This approach ensures that project requirements and deliverables are clearly identified and linked to specific project activities and stages.
  • Project Controls: PRINCE2 places significant emphasis on project controls to monitor and manage project progress and deviations. It provides tools and techniques for effective project governance, change control, risk management, issue management, and quality control.
  • Tailoring: PRINCE2 recognizes the need for flexibility and tailoring to adapt the methodology to the specific project environment. It encourages project managers to tailor PRINCE2 processes, themes, and techniques to suit the size, complexity, and requirements of each project.

PRINCE2 provides a common language and framework for project management, promoting consistency, scalability, and effective communication among project stakeholders. It emphasises the importance of clear project governance, stakeholder engagement, and continuous business justification throughout the project lifecycle. PRINCE2 can be applied to projects of various sizes and types, and it provides a comprehensive set of best practices for managing projects successfully.

6. Adaptive Project Framework (APF):

The Adaptive Project Framework (APF) is an iterative and adaptive project management approach that focuses on delivering value in dynamic and uncertain environments. It is designed to address projects that have high levels of complexity, ambiguity, and evolving requirements. APF emphasises flexibility, collaboration, and continuous learning throughout the project lifecycle. Here are the key features of the Adaptive Project Framework:

  • Iterative and Incremental Delivery: APF breaks down the project into a series of short iterations or phases. Each iteration involves a cycle of planning, execution, and review, resulting in the delivery of a tangible product or increment. This iterative approach allows for frequent feedback, adaptation, and adjustments based on emerging requirements and stakeholder input.
  • Emphasis on Value: APF places a strong emphasis on delivering value to the customer and stakeholders. The project team focuses on understanding and prioritising the most valuable features or deliverables and ensures that these are incorporated into each iteration. This allows for early value realisation and flexibility in adapting to changing priorities.
  • Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement: APF promotes active collaboration and engagement among the project team, stakeholders, and customers. Regular interactions, feedback sessions, and collaborative decision-making are essential components of APF. Stakeholders have a direct and ongoing involvement throughout the project, providing input and validating the delivered increments.
  • Continuous Learning and Adaptation: APF recognizes that project requirements and circumstances can evolve over time. It encourages a learning mindset within the project team, fostering an environment where lessons are captured, knowledge is shared, and continuous improvement is prioritised. Feedback from each iteration informs the planning and execution of subsequent iterations.
  • Risk Management: APF incorporates proactive risk management practices. Risks and uncertainties are identified and analysed early in the project, and strategies are developed to mitigate or respond to them. Risk management is an ongoing process throughout the project, allowing the team to adapt and respond to emerging risks effectively.
  • Dynamic Planning and Flexibility: APF acknowledges that plans can change as new information becomes available or requirements evolve. It embraces dynamic planning, where plans are continually updated and adjusted based on the progress, feedback, and changing circumstances. This flexibility enables the project team to respond quickly and effectively to emerging needs.
  • Team Empowerment: APF encourages team empowerment and self-organisation. The project team members are empowered to make decisions, collaborate, and take ownership of their work. This fosters a sense of accountability, creativity, and commitment within the team.

The Adaptive Project Framework provides a framework for managing projects in dynamic and uncertain environments. It promotes agility, collaboration, and a focus on delivering value. APF is particularly suited for projects where requirements are not well-defined upfront and need to be refined and validated through iterative cycles. By embracing change and adapting to emerging needs, APF enables projects to be responsive, innovative, and successful.

Final word:

Project management is a multifaceted discipline that plays a crucial role in the successful execution of projects across various industries. It encompasses a wide range of skills, methodologies, and approaches that help organisations achieve their strategic objectives.

Effective project management involves careful planning, proactive risk management, efficient resource allocation, strong communication, and stakeholder engagement. It requires the ability to navigate through complexities, adapt to changes, and balance competing priorities to deliver projects on time, within budget, and to the desired quality.

Moreover, project management is not just about following a set of processes and methodologies. It is about leadership, collaboration, and the ability to inspire and motivate teams towards a common goal. It requires a deep understanding of project dynamics, stakeholder expectations, and the ability to make informed decisions in the face of uncertainties.

In today’s fast-paced and dynamic business environment, project management is more important than ever. It helps organisations remain competitive by enabling them to efficiently execute initiatives, manage risks, and capitalise on opportunities. It provides a structured framework for innovation, problem-solving, and continuous improvement.

Ultimately, successful project management is not just about delivering projects; it is about creating value for stakeholders, fostering a culture of collaboration and learning, and leaving a positive impact on the organisation and its stakeholders.

In conclusion, project management is an essential discipline that empowers organisations to achieve their strategic objectives, adapt to change, and thrive in a highly competitive landscape. By applying effective project management practices, organisations can increase their chances of success, mitigate risks, and deliver value to their customers, stakeholders, and the broader community.

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