7 Ways You Could Be Inviting a Cybersecurity Attack

7 Ways You Could Be Inviting a Cybersecurity Attack

It’s important to have a plan for your organization’s response to a cyberattack. Having a plan allows you to better protect yourself, your organization, and the data you work with. In this article, we’ll go over some ways you could be inviting an attack

1. Social engineering

Social engineering is a technique in which the attacker uses persuasion and human psychology to manipulate the victim into giving them confidential information. This can be a highly successful way for criminals to steal or destroy information.

The most popular social engineering tactics involve email. However, these methods can be applied to other types of communication, such as voice and text messaging.

Another technique is tailgating. In this method, the hacker pretends to forget their access card or some other form of identification. They then follow the victim into a secure area where they install a trojan.

Other common methods include a watering hole attack, which involves compromising a website that is reputable. Using this technique, the attacker can also infect legitimate websites and networks.

An example of a successful social engineering attack was the 2011 data breach of security firm RSA. The company spent $66 million recovering from the incident.

Another popular technique is scareware. This is a slick piece of malware that tries to fool victims into believing that their computer is infected.

To be effective, social engineering tactics need to be accompanied by a complete security plan. Security policies should be well-rounded, with training and technological tools that help minimize the damage of a breach. A positive culture within the organization can also prevent social engineering attacks.

2. Botnets

Botnets are computers that have been compromised by malware, which in turn allows them to perform automated, distributed attacks. These attacks can be destructive, causing havoc on websites and services.

As many as 60% of all internet traffic is bot-generated. Bots use P2P networks to share files and send spam emails. They are also used for distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, consuming bandwidth to disrupt other systems.

In order to combat botnets, there are several technologies and best practices. However, there are still gaps in the current approaches. With more research, these may provide promising long-term solutions.

Many of these approaches focus on standards and collaboration across ecosystems to reduce the risk. In addition, technology providers are innovating around tools to protect their resources from DDoS attacks.

While this may help, the growth in the number of devices that connect to the Internet is also increasing. Aside from traditional computers, mobile devices and IoT devices are increasingly targets of botnets.

Cybercriminals can easily infect millions of machines, gaining admin-like control over them. The infected devices can then be programmed to scan for malicious websites and share the latest versions of malware.

While the presence of a bot is not necessarily a problem, it is still important to stay vigilant and to monitor networks regularly. This is because some devices are more vulnerable than others.

The best approach is to be able to detect a bot’s presence before it becomes a serious threat. For example, a sudden drop in the internet speed indicates that a device is infected with a bot.

To protect your devices, make sure your system software is updated. Also, be aware of suspicious links and attachments. Always verify the authenticity of the source before opening.

3. Insiders

An insider is someone with permission to access an organization’s network. In most cases, this can include an employee, an associate or a vendor.

Insider threats are a growing concern for organizations, as attackers have increased their ability to access systems and data. These attacks can be malicious or accidental. However, in the latter case, they can cause serious damage and disruption to critical information assets.

According to the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity’s (ENISA) Threat Landscape Report 2016, 27% of all cyber crime incidents were actually caused by human factors. The report also highlights the fact that insiders can be a threat.

When an insider steals or manipulates data or information, they can cause a major financial or reputational impact. Malicious insiders can steal information for personal gain or to benefit a competitor. They can use social engineering, phishing emails, git-dorking, network attacks, or spear phishing to achieve this goal.

Unlike outsider attacks, insiders can be difficult to detect. However, there are ways to prevent these attacks. One of the best defenses is to limit the amount of information that can be accessed by employees. Besides, good security practices are also a must.

Some of the most important steps to take to protect yourself from insider attacks include the creation of a robust insider threat program. This program is designed to monitor suspicious activities and provide guidance to other areas of your business. If you don’t have the resources to develop a program in-house, you may want to consider outsourcing it to a third-party provider.

You should also train your staff on how to deal with compliance issues. For example, it is a good idea to provide employees with access to a reporting mechanism so that they can report suspicious activity.

4. Having a response plan to recover from a cyberattack

When a cyberattack occurs, a company needs a plan of action to minimize damage and speed up recovery. The worst case scenario is that data may be lost. But having a well-rehearsed response plan can reduce the impact of an attack. Having a crisis response plan can help keep your organization on its toes, even when it is not under attack.

Cyber security is an ever-growing threat. Cyberattacks can disrupt business processes and result in loss of revenue. For example, a ransomware attack can lock your systems, preventing you from using them. This can have a massive financial impact on a company. A good recovery plan can help you resume business operations.

In the event of a cyber attack, the first step is to isolate the source of the attack and remove threats. This can be done by rerouting network segments or isolating production servers. If you need to stop the disruption, you can do so by altering firewall rules, updating security patches, and even removing accounts and backdoors created by the attackers.

A company must also assess the extent of the damage. You must consider whether the incident is a result of a malicious insider or an external attacker. Depending on the severity of the situation, you will need to decide how long you will monitor the affected systems, as well as how to verify they are working properly.

After an incident, it is important to debrief the team and discuss ways to prevent future incidents. You should also discuss how to reduce the negative publicity associated with the incident. There are also steps you can take to streamline forensic analysis.

During a crisis, communication can break down, and it is important to maintain consistent communication. While a plan is not perfect, having a plan of action and a response team on hand is the best way to ensure that your business is able to quickly recover from an attack.

5. Swiping your debit card

A small device in your pocket could cost you hundreds of dollars in the form of lost wages and a potential trip to the ER. While the good guys do their best to thwart such adversities, the fact remains, such a mishap may well be on the horizon. That said, if you are a smart shopper, the best way to prevent this from happening is to swivel your shoulders, not your wallet. On a related note, be sure to double check that your credit cards are secure. If they are not, you are in for a nasty surprise. The aforementioned ad is not to be taken lightly. This is especially true if you use a debit card. You may also want to consider switching banks to keep your funds in good hands. Lastly, take a hard look at your credit card statements, not just your emails. Some companies offer free credit report reviews, as well as other perks and incentives to reward customers for being a good shopper. Make a point of contacting your bank’s customer service line at the first sign of trouble.

6. Not having two-factor authentication for critical accounts

If you’re not using two-factor authentication for your most important accounts, you’re actually putting yourself at risk for a security breach. A successful cybersecurity attack can be life changing. The most recent data show that 86% of businesses have a least one critical account that is susceptible to a breach. So how can you keep yours out of the hands of would-be hackers? You can take several steps. Thankfully, this includes making the most of the technology that exists today.

Two-factor authentication is a streamlined and time-efficient way to protect yourself from a cyber attack. While it’s not a foolproof method, it’s a good first line of defense. It’s easy to forget about using it, but it’s important. Not having it enabled for your most important accounts is like not wearing a seatbelt.

7. Educating employees

One of the best ways to protect your organization against cybercrime is to educate your employees about threats. By doing so, they will take a proactive role in protecting your business’s technology assets. However, this alone is not enough. It’s also essential to create a culture of cybersecurity in your company.

Cybercriminals are finding new and creative ways to attack your business. To keep your organization secure, you must implement a robust firewall and multiple layers of protection. Your employees should also be well-informed about your company’s policies. You can also use email to alert them about potential vulnerabilities.

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