
Covid-19: The Future of Learning and Teaching

The global crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 impacted all the sectors in the economy and education sector is not an exception. With educational institutions were shut down for an indefinite period, there was huge disruption in the education sector. Remote learning platforms came to the rescue of teachers as well as students. Educational institutions and coaching institutions massively adapted the online teaching methodologies for continuing the education of the students. Smart learning technologies have transformed the educations sector in the whole world. Digital learning is becoming a new norm and it will continue to be the most important mode of learning even in the post pandemic world.

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is widespread all over the world. It affected most of the students especially those who could not avail online educational services. It created a massive shift in the way students learn. Even the poorest of the poor people facilitated their children or sons or daughters smartphones and internet connection so that they can attend classes online. The pandemic has caused the massive changes and unprecedented disruptions in the education sector. As much as the challenges pandemic created in the education sector, but still if we see it in right perspective the challenge of pandemic created opportunity for positive change in educational models. 

Educators adapted the online methods of teaching to students. This online facility gives an opportunity to students to learn by being at home and according to their convenience and comfort. It also gives opportunity of learning from anywhere and without being in physical presence. Regardless of outcomes, remote learning has become by default education and learning method especially in such crisis situations like pandemic. Educators also started responding proactively and started showing support for delivering online education to students. Many educators find it is more advantageous to teach to students using online platforms as this gives them the opportunity to reach out to the students in any part of the country. The crisis of the pandemic has stimulated the innovation in the education sector and innovations in this sector will continue to evolve as many people are realizing the benefits of online education and more students and teachers are also finding the benefits of online education. These changes may not be the necessary norm in the post Covid-19 world but still the preference of students to learning using virtual platforms will be there.Covid-19 pandemic has forced all of us to rethink education. This unprecedented challenge of pandemic has given us the chance to find sustainable solutions that will address the concerns and issues in the education sector. 

Underprivileged students without internet and smartphones could not avail the facilities of the online education and they suffered a lot. This was huge loss for poor students. This again divided the nation with education inequality. This gap between education inequality needs to be bridged. Forming sustainable solutions is more important than the temporary fixing of the issue. Substantial solutions has to be created so that there will not be hindrance in the education of not even a single child. Thinking of the fair opportunities of education to all students in the post Covid-19 world is the responsibility of all citizens, educational institutions and governments. If the necessary actions are taken in this direction then the future of students can be ensured brighter.

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