Some people appreciate western education and some people appreciate eastern education. The battle for superiority between the eastern and western education is intensifying over the last few years quite more significantly. The western education has its advantages along with some drawbacks and same is the case with eastern education. Both are valuable in their own ways. Depending on the choice of the students and affordability by the family, fate of the students is decided whether they will go for western education or the eastern education. There are lot of differences between western education approach and eastern education approach. Each of the characteristics of eastern education and Western education play vital role in creating personalities and development of students.
The defenders of western education glorify the potency of the western education in creating successful professionals and therefore they are keener to send their children to western countries for taking education. The supporters of eastern education believe that our nation has also started providing quality education and the ability to create brilliant students with lot of capabilities to be successful as a professional. It is true that eastern education is also improving and it is creating better students with enhanced capacities but still there is a lot of development has to be happened in the eastern education. The eastern education sustains the cultural value in the students and that is another significance of the eastern education.
Eastern education is focused on discipline and diligence. Western education focuses on collaboration and discussions. Eastern education emphasizes commitment to learning while eastern education focuses on standardized tests. Western students blame institutions for their failure instead of seeing their personal shortcomings. Eastern students recognize their personal shortcomings instead of blaming institutions. Western students expect more from educators than their personal endeavors. Easter education system is good at developing hard working abilities in students and students are less dependent on educators.
Eastern education is slightly behind in promoting entrepreneurial spirit in students in comparison to western education system. Western education system is able to create more entrepreneurs than the eastern education system. Western education system is good at creating competent students and eastern education system is good at creating culturally and morally strong students. Business mindset is more promoted in the western education system and service mindset is more promoted in the eastern education system.
Western education fosters curiosity, creativity and innovation abilities more profusely in students in comparison to eastern education system. Western education system encourages their students to break the status quo and build something innovative and creative that will make a difference in the business world. Both education systems see concept of learning differently.
Eastern education system focuses on mutual effort and mutual learning as a collective group while western education system focuses more on individual learning and individual success. Eastern education system instills a deep love for education and learning that may last forever. Eastern education system also promotes the approach of treating success and failure with equanimity. Western education system emphasizes more on individual success which may not cultivate the ability to deal with both success and failure with grace and equanimity.
If we see it from all points of view, we can say that both educational systems provide huge value to the students. Eastern education system is good at building students with great character and western education system is good at creating students with strong competence. It is to the world’s advantage to expose students to the advantages of both systems and let them have great character as well as strong competence. Students with great character and strong competence can really make the world a better place.